Magica Wars Wiki
Name in Japanese 淡海 きのえ
Rōmaji Translation Oumi Kinoe
Appears in Tactics, Zanbatsu
Voice Actor (Japanese) Saika Ogura
Character Design Soyoko Shikama
Personal Info
Gender Female
Age 16
Birthday January 6
Hometown Shiga Prefecture
Height 152 cm
Vital Stats 70/60/80
Favorite Food Omi beef, crucian carp sushi, sweets
Sealing Tool MAKIMONO
Designated Misaki Shigaraki, Nio Shisho

Kinoe Oumi / Shakunage (しゃくなげ) is the magical girl representative of Shiga Prefecture, accompanied by her misaki, Shigaraki and Nio Shisho. Her voice actress is Saika Ogura.

She was designed by ____.



Kinoe is a thin, pale skinned girl with large blue eyes. She has long, curled blue hair pulled into a long ponytail held by pink flower ornaments and rope of gold and red. She wears black diamond stud earrings with another diamond hanging from the bottom of it, attached to a small sphere. She has a single, large cowlick at the center of her head and her bangs are mostly brushed back - except for one strand that sticks out past her eyes.

Kinoe wears a black tank-top with a dark red choker lined by white frills to match the band around her waist. Over it is a yellow, gold, and red rope, attached to a pink floral accessory. Her skirt is a white tutu with many layers of white frills beneath it. On each arm is a fishnet sleeve with a red and white ruffled cuff attached to it. On her feet are white toed-socks with a pair of black sandals held by red and yellow straps with a kunai design at the toe. The cuff of each sock is frilly and on each leg is a fishnet stockings; with the left legs length reaching inches below the knee while the right ends inches above it.




Character Design[]

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